Shipping Policy
- Cash on Delivery (COD):
- Please note that Cash on Delivery is not available for any orders.
- Delivery Charges:
- Delivery charges are calculated based on your location and the weight of your order. The final charges will be displayed during the checkout process.
- Estimated Delivery Times:
- Metro Cities (Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai): Your order will typically be delivered within 2-5 business days.
- Rest of India: Expect delivery within 3-7 business days.
- Terms and Conditions:
- In the event of a conflict between this Delivery Policy and our Online Terms and Conditions, the latter will take precedence and apply to all products purchased through our website.
Handling Delivery Issues
- Non-Receipt of Delivered Order:
- If the tracking information indicates that your order has been delivered but you have not received it, please contact us. We will request Proof of Delivery (POD) or a Delivery Receipt Slip (DRS) from the courier. This process may take 4-5 business days, during which we ask you to check with your reception, security, or neighbors.
- Delayed Delivery:
- We strive to adhere to the delivery timelines provided during checkout. However, delays caused by severe weather, government restrictions, or courier issues are beyond our control. While we cannot offer refunds or compensation for such delays, we will do our best to ensure your order is delivered as soon as possible.
- Delivery Exceptions:
- If your package cannot be delivered for any reason, you will be notified via the message section on the job page. If you do not respond within one day, the package will be returned to our production unit. You can provide an alternate address for reshipping, but please note that reshipping costs will apply. If we do not receive a response within 30 days of the package being returned to the hub, the order will be scrapped without a refund.